This blog is nothing special or unique. I can't promise that it will offer you, the reader, any form of new or shiny insights into the world of mental health. It's just me and my thoughts. My name is Wren, I am an autistic, lesbian, abuse survivor in the UK, and before discharging myself from services in February 2022, I experienced 10 years of NHS mental health care. I decided to start this blog in May 2020 because I need a void into which I may freely shout.
I write (and plan to write) about topics relevant to my life, which include mental illness, trauma, child abuse, psychiatry, sexual assault, autism, suicide, the catholic church, borderline personality disorder, and self harm. I have a particular interest in harm caused by mental health care provision, including how the everyday workings of services can be traumatising.
There are two different blog categories. One contains writing focused on mental health services, survivor research, and pieces attempting to raise awareness of specific subjects. The other is a personal blog, which is more of a diary for self-expression.
There may be huge gaps in posts while I'm away being mad.